佐々木明:Vancouver 2010

Posted by ビリー・デコラ Billy DeCola
今日はバンクーバー・オリンピック スキー男子回転 佐々木明の応援に行ってきました。大会は朝から始まり、雨と雪が混じった天候でした。102人の選手が出場し、その中の上位30人がメダルへの権利を得ます。佐々木の一本目は、その権利を得るに十分な滑りで13位に。観客も盛り上がっていました。二本目も完走しましたがメダルには届かず18位に。彼は落ち込んでいましたがよくやったと思います!

I went to Whistler today to support my friend Akira Sasaki who was competing in the 2010 Olympic Alpine Slalom Ski event. It started early AM and weather was mixed rain/snow. There were 102 people in the event and only 30 would qualify to compete for the gold. Akira's first run was good enough to get him through - he was 13th overall! The crowd went wild. Akira didn't win a medal today; he was disappointed. But he did a great job and his family and friends are proud of him.
Billy DeCola.

Tattoo - Steve & Art Godoy Funhouse/Outter Limits

Tattoo TV - Steve & Art Godoy Funhouse/Outter Limits Tattoo - Jano Bullon (Tattoo.TV) on MUZU

佐々木明:Akira Sasaki

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
いよいよアルペンスキー日本代表・佐々木明くんのレースの日程が近づいてきました!バンクーバー・オリンピック スキー男子回転。1本目が日本時間2月28日午前3時、2本目が同日午前6時45分。自分がデザインした昇り龍スーツをまとった佐々木明の応援をお願いします!
Can't wait to see my boy Akira Sasaki's race at Vancouver Olympic! Alpine Skiing Men's Slalom. Support him and check out his racing suit what I designed!!!
1st Run: Feb. 27, 10:00 AM PST.
2nd Run: Feb. 27, 1:45 PM PST.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫しゅん Horishun


I will add flames.

サンタ・マリア・デッラ・コンツェツィオーネ教会:Santa Maria della Concezione

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I forgot to tell you about Santa Maria della Concezione in Rome. It was interesting.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

10 Years of Pulse

Well Happy Birthday to us. The ideas for this company were born at a tattoo studio in the mid 90's and we pursued it bit by bit. In 2000 we made it official and started selling the Specialist. Wow -ten years later, and we have achieved many of the goals we set for ourselves. I love the idea that an artists will work tomorrow with some of our equipment that they have been using for 10 years. That feels really good to me.
Katie's mom baked us an awesome cake to kick off our Birthday right. We are going to follow it up with some gifts. For the next 10 months we are going to offer a Pulse special each month to celebrate and say thanks for your support. We are planning a couple of great deals on popular products, and some special edition things. Some things will last for a couple weeks some things will only last a day or two, but it will be fun for the rest of the year.
So join us for the rest of the year and get hooked up. As always we want to say "Thank You" for supporting us through all these years, we love what we do here at Pulse and look forward to the next 10 years. Stay tuned.


I know its been a while since Ive posted, but Ive been working- A LOT. Here is a new little somp'n somp'n Ive been working on. I discontinued the Iron Deluxe Pilots a few months ago, and had some cast in brass to play with. These are nickel plated, then buffed down to a satin finish. The coil foils on this one is brass, with a new pattern I made. This one is set up for black and grey shading, and belongs to Angel of Puerto Rico. Thanks for looking!

狂蜂:KRAZY BEE hoodie

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
KIDくんの大晦日の入場Tシャツと同デザインのパーカーがリリースされました。写真の黒の他、白バージョンもあります。デザインは自分がして、レイアウトとカラーリングはKIDくん本人です。KRAZY BEE Web Shopで購入可能です。

This is a MMA fighter "KID" Yamamoto's KRAZY BEE hoodie. Same design as his entrance T-shirt for the last event "Dynamite!". I did artwork and he decide the color. You can buy it at KRAZY BEE Web Shop.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Got Borsalino hat in Milano. Super expensive in Japan but I was in Italy so... 167 euros, still expensive but nice one.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato

聖ベルナルディーノ教会:San Bernardino alle Ossa

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
San Bernardino Alle Ossa in Milano.
There is a secret room.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

ドゥオーモ:Duomo di Milano

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato

チューイ・クインタナー:Chuey Quintanar

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
チューイとも再会。チューイ・クインタナーGTC TATTOOLANDの天才。この日はシンジの誕生日ということもあり、チューイ、ラクラと共に朝5時すぎまでホテルのロビーで飲み明かしてしまいました。ホテルの朝の掃除の人がかなりウザそうにしてましたが、、、でもチューイともゆっくり話せてよかったです。
Chuey Quintanar, one of the best tattooist. GTC TATTOOLAND. It was Shinji's birthday so I was drinking with Shinji, Chuey and Lakra till 5am... at hotel's lobby...
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

エステバン・オリオール:Estevan Oriol

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Estevan Oriol, the best photographer on the earth. I didn't know Estevan was at the convention!! It was nice to see him again. In Milano!!!
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Mi carnal Mexican tattooist Dr.Lakra. He did art exhibition in Milano but I couldn't go... next time I want to get tattoo from him.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

ダニーボーイ:Danny Boy

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
コンベンションにも参加していたタトゥー・アーティスト、ダニーボーイが自分の師匠である初代彫俊に牡丹を入れてもらってるところをパチリ。今現在ミラノに住むダニーボーイはTATTOO SOULのゲスト・アーティストでもあるミスター・JJの兄弟なんです。
Danny Boy is getting peony tattoo from my teacher Horitoshi. He is a tattoo artist and brother of Mr.JJ of GTC TATTOOLAND
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

ミラノ・タトゥー・コンベンション:Milano Tattoo Convention

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
This is one of my work at the convention.
Cherry blossoms.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Went to Milano after Rome.
Akilla.ak.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamatoローマでは仕事をせずタトゥーショップの視察を含め色々な人に会ってきました。一週間程の滞在で十分観光もできました。
Shinji a.k.a. Horizakura came to Rome from New York. He is same Horitoshi Family and He was working with me at TATTOO SOUL. 
We stayed in Rome for one week.
Didn't work in Rome.
Met people and checked tattoo shop.
It was nice.
I had enough time to walk around the city.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I came back from Italy today.
I will show you more pics later.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.