Fine Art Friday

This weeks work is from a power duo. Direct from Philly wonder twin powers activated on this one. Dave Fox did this painting with Josh Hoffman. They created a set of prints and I was lucky enough to snag this piece. I do believe they were going to start a set of flash and it morphed into a series of paintings. Both these dudes have great styles and they work really well together. Love the pirate imagery - this is a power house of a piece.
Keep up with the crew -Dave_Fox_Studio_One
Also this week is a great painting from artist Jamie Cross. Jamie and I worked together for years at a couple different studios. I have always enjoyed watching Jamie grow through the years with both his tattooing and painting skills. Jamie has always had a tremendous enthusiasm for tattooing that still survives to this day. He has developed a great following for this monochromatic work. I have always like this piece. Look him up Jamie_Cross_Tattoo.


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