
Posted by 彫しゅん Horishun
I did shading today.

インディオ・レイェス:Indio Reyes

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Finally Indio Reyes will come to Tokyo in this year. It will be around June. I will let you know details later. Check out Indio & his shop TATUAJES DE REYES's new blog.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

イタリアン・ボクシング:Italian Boxing

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I got those boxing gloves from Davide! Grazie Davide!!! Should I use it at gym or keep it as new....
AKilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

最後の晩餐:Last Supper

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Last night in Milano. I went to dinner with Davide, Crude and Nervio.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

ジャパニーズ・ルースター:Japanese Rooster

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato

I did Japanese rooster head on Davide Andreoli's leg.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Got tattoo from Nervio. It became like Italian-Mexican thing! Grazie Nervio! Grande!!
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

イタリアン・ルースター・タトゥー:Italian Rooster Tattoo

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato

Significado tatuagem de Fênix.

A ex BBB 11 Michelly faz fotos sensuais para o site Paparazzo e exibe sua tatuagem de Fênix.
Embora esse seja o seu primeiro ensaio fotográfico sensual, Michelly afirma não ter ficado nem um pouco intimidada, para posar para as lentes do fotógrafo do site Paparazzo.
"Já fui dançarina de axé, rebolava de shortinho e top. Não é tão diferente", 

Veja mais fotos de Michelly clicando aqui

Michelly, antes mesmo de entrar na casa do Big Brother Brasil, já tinha colocado em seu twitter uma foto de sua tatuagem seguida da legenda explicativa: "No ínicio da era Cristã esta ave fabulosa foi símbolo do renascimento e da ressurreição"

Confira a foto postada no Twitter (clique na foto para ampliar)

Significado de uma tatuagem de Fênix:

A Fênix, ave lendária, segundo o poeta grego do século VIII a.C, Hesíodo, vivia nove vezes o tempo de existência do corvo. Mas alguns povos acreditam que ave era capaz de viver por mais de 97.000 anos.

A lenda de Fênix, surgiu no oriente e teria sido adaptada pelos sacerdotes egípcios do templo do Sol, na cidade de  Heliopolis. De acordo com a lenda, ao pressentir que sua morte se aproximava, a Fênix construía um ninho com canela, sálvia e mirra, onde morria queimada, após atear fogo. Das cinzas desse auto-sacrifício, surgia nova ave, que depositava os restos que sobraram das cinzas de sua antecessora em um ovo de Mirra, e o levava ao altar do  Sol na cidade egípcia de Heliopolis.

Diversos povos antigos como Gregos, egipcios, chineses e cristãos, acreditavam na lenda da Fênix, e embora com algumas diferenças pequenas, todos concordam com o simbolismo da Fênix que remete a ressureição, a perseverança, a esperança e a perpetuação.

Não é nenhuma surpresa que os Gregos relacionam a Fenix ao sol, pois o Sol, morre todos os dias para renascer revigorado no dia seguinte.

Na China antiga a fénix foi representada como uma ave maravilhosa e transformada em símbolo da felicidade, da virtude, da força, da liberdade, e da inteligência. Na sua plumagem, brilham as cinco cores sagradas.
Roxo - corpo
Azul e Vermela - cauda
Branco - cabeça
Dourado - "colar de plumagem em torno do pescoço"

E como disseram no Twitter da Michelly, " No ínicio da era Cristã esta ave fabulosa foi símbolo do renascimento e da ressurreição. Neste sentido, ela simboliza o Cristo ou o Iniciado, recebendo uma segunda vida, em troca daquela que sacrificou."

Para saber mais sobre a lenda e o significado de Fênix, clique aqui.

New address: www.godoymachines.com


If you are a professional tattoo artist, go to http://www.godoymachines.com to order our book...the most illegally downloaded industry e-book of our time. The one pictured is the second edition. Way thicker and more informative than the previous edition.

Any one of our machines... the only machines in the world who's patented parts are owned by US, it's builders!!

If you are interested in a machine seminar... like this one in Italy, contact us. Over 140 people attended!!

Let's bring professionalism to tattooing, and not tolerate the mediocrity which is now widely accepted. It's overdue. No more egos, no more attitudes...

Apologies for machine orders...

Just wanted to apologize to anyone who had been waiting on machines. Things have been super hectic around the tattoo shop.... and needless to say, I haven't been spending as much time as I'd like in the machine shop. I'm finally getting some projects squared away and I'll be sending many of you your new or rebuilt machines very shortly. Thanks so much for your patience and support. If I were more than a one man show, I'd probably be a bit more efficient... but time is what it takes when they are handmade with love. Anyway... I'll quit whining and get my ass back to work. Cheers!


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
With Chuey and the Boss.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

チューイ・キンタナー:Chuey Quintanar

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
With Chuey Quintanar at his booth.

ダヴィデ・アンドレオリ:Davide Andreoli

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato

ミラノ・タトゥーコンベンション:Milano Tattoo Convention

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato

ネルビオ:El Nervio

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Nervio at the booth.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Dannyboy at the booth.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

ドリームチーム:Dream Team

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Indio Reyes and Chuey Quintanar were woking at the same booth at the convention.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Here is a quick sneak peek. Not too sneaky, as these bad boys should be hitting the Workhorse site in a matter of hours... but anyway- BOOM! Phantom 5. Iron frames in Antique Black and Antique Copper. Limited Edition of 30 of each style. All liners. (Except 10 of the coppers are set up for B&G.)

Boxes were screen printed, spray painted, and laser engraved.

For the coils, I took the box illustration and did some digital painting to it- Color tweaked to match the frame finish of course. I hope you all like these- They were crazy fun to make..... enjoy.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Arrived in Milano and drinking with my homies, Indio Reyes and Edgar Hoill a.k.a. OSOK.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

KID's trunks for UFC126

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
彫倭KID couldn't win his first UFC fight but I'm proud of him. This is his trunks for that UFC fight.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I finished black part.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.