Fine Art Friday

Direct from the King of Seattle comes this beautiful demon painting. Our long time friend Aaron Bell from Slave to the Needle painted is especially for us. What a great gift.
He even included the Pulse logo. Along with being a tattoo staple in Pacific Northwest Aaron has created a ton of great flash that we sold the wheels off for years. I would bet you could stop in to almost any street shop in America and find Aaron's designs on the wall. He has a great eye for creating what the customer wants.I also seem to remember that I spend a bunch time riding Aaron about parting with the above sailor girl painting. It was a Skin & Ink magazine cover as well as a best selling print. I love that painting (I only own a print of it) and hope he will tire of it on his wall one day and part with it. One can always hope. Still going strong -Slave_to_the_Needle_Here
Also this week comes a strong painting from artist Mike Shea. I always liked the way the classic style and tattoo elements were twisted just a bit. Mike is always doing nice work up in Boston.

From the reject bin...

Similar to sketching- I usually carve a couple of mock ups before the final frame is produced. These are some of those carving studies. I use a plastic resin to cast a fattened block version of a frame and go from there. I sometimes dye the resin to see better detail while carving.

Im gearing up to do the Phantom 5 soon- so I thought Id share some of the process here....


Posted by 彫しゅん Horishun
I started colors.

Tatuagem de Fênix - Fernando Soares de Paula

O leitor Fernando Soares nos mandou uma foto de sua tatuagem da ave fenix , que ele possui nas costas. A ligação que essa tatuagem de fenix tem com a vida de Fernando é espetacular. Ela simboliza as barreiras e dificuldades que ele teve que enfrentar desde o seu nascimento. A fênix é o símbolo da sua vitória pela vida, sua superação da morte.

Para os antigos egípcios, a Fênix que era simbolizada pela mistura da garça e do falcão dourado era a representação que fazia a ligação do Deus Sol e do rio Nilo. Que unidos durante a cheia do rio, fertilizavam a terra e traziam a renovação do alimento que dela provinha.

O Gregos acreditavam que a fênix era um pássaro capaz a cada mil anos, renascer de suas próprias cinzas, originada pelo fogo que ela mesmo produzia em seu ninho, confeccionado com ramos de canela, sálvia e mirra.

Com o Criatianism0 a Fenix passou a ser o símbolo da ressurreição e da vida que representa a morte. Tal qual representa a tatoo da fenix para Fernando Soares. Como ele nos relata em sua história:

Olá, minha história é a seguinte:

Quando nasci, tive uma série de problemas pós-parto, como lesão cerebral, surdez, coordenação motora do corpo, transfusão total do corpo, ou seja os médicos da época não acreditavam na minha sobrevivência...
Depois de muitos exames e diagnosticos, disseram que eu ficaria em uma cadeira de rodas para sempre, todo torto, vegetativo, não falaria, não escutaria. Para que isso não acontecesse, seria necessário morrer e renascer novamente.

Ou seja... Hoje eu tenho 26 anos e caminho, falo, escuto, corro, e tenho uma enorme FÊNIX nas costas.
Estou pra fazer uma carpa agora, para conquistar alguns objetivos que quero muito na minha vida.

clique na foto para ver melhor os detalhes dessa tatuagem de fênix
foto de tatuagem de fenix

Fernando, parabéns pela sua bela tatuagem e pelo exemplo de força e determinação que você nos passou. Estamos ansiosos para ver como ficará a sua tattoo de carpa.

Os leitores que desejarem nos enviar suas tatuagens, basta mandar para mim no email Vale lembrar que quanto mais detalhada for sua história , maior é a chance dela ser publicada aqui e em postagem individual.


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I did dragon on his calf. I did only outlines and next time will be Dec or next year. He's from SF, California.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

The New Specialist, I Think We Got It

Over the last year we have been revamping our entire line of tattoo machine frames to incorporate out new vise. It works so well that we wanted all our frames to get the treatment. When it came time to add the new vice to the Specialist a bunch of questions came flooding into my mind about some of our design choices. The Specialist was our first frame and I felt it could use a little updating. The first thing on my wish list was to do away with the back tab and the channel that we created to slip the solder lug into. It made it very easy to put the back binder onto the machine and wire it, but it also made us cut binders down just for this frame for years. It also feels a bit lopsided, I also saw an opportunity to create a window in the rear stay like the Corsair. Which I love. I also felt the side plate of the machine could go on a diet and become bit more streamlined. We have taken it in, in a bunch of places.
The new rear tab is way more aesthetically pleasing, I love the new radius and the fact we can now use a regular binder for the rear, no more shorties! All in all I am really happy with the re-design. The machine also has the new vise, is a bit lighter, and still runs those 3's and 5's like the devil. It's a whole new Specialist, and it's ready to come live with you. Check it out AllNewSpecialistHere


Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I finished the background. I will start colors.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

Fine Art Flowers

This set of paintings was created by tattooist / painter Jay Langer. Jay had done a beautiful series of paintings that interspersed bones with flowers. It was a nice mix of morbid beauty, I loved the concept and the pieces were great to mount together with the ribs up top and the hip in the lower position.
Jay is a very talented guy, along with holding down full time duties at his studio he paints, plays in a band, builds bikes, designs for a T Shirt Co., makes flash...yeah Jay is one of those guys. Super energy, super productivity -great combo. Check him out -
Another great painting that hangs at Pulse with a beautiful traditional flower comes from Grez DNA. If you are familiar with Grez then you know how clean and strong his tattoo work is. His paintings stand up to that same visual test. He has a great eye for structure and a great grasp of those classic images that define western traditional tattooing.
Is that not the perfect tattoo rose? I also remember eyeing this pieces for half a day as I cruised through a convention. I came back to buy it right before I left and was really happy. As I was thanking Grez and walking away from the table CIV had walked up and was asking Grez about this painting, it seems he also wanted to purchase it. I am sorry about that CIV, but I love the piece. Grez has been tearing it up over at Mike Rubendall's Kings Avenue Tattoo.

撮影:Photo Shoot

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
今日はKRAZY BEEジムにて雑誌『TATTOO BURST』の撮影と取材がありました。11月16日発売予定!お楽しみに!
Today we had photo shoot for TATTOO BURST magazine at KRAZY BEE gym. It will be baddass issue!
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

虎と額:Tiger & Background

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I add background around his tiger. I need 3 more sessions to finish it.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

"Knock Yerself Out" - Out Now

"Knock Yerself Out" is the sequel to the best selling Joe Capobianco sketchbook. Joe has returned with this brand new collection of sketches, drawings, and color studies. Line work to fully rendered, the "Capo Gal" never looked so good. Doll after doll is lined up and ready to be inked! Joe created this book to be used like flash and as always it's packed front to back with a bevy of beautys. Full color -Hard Cover- 120 pages - A knockout of a collection and a must for reference, with an amazing price tag -TWENTY FIVE CLAMS!!KnockYerselfOut-AvailableNow

佐々木明:Letter From Austria

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
I got the pics from my friend Akira Sasaki in Austria. He is a alpine skier and member of Japan's national team. He is training for the upcoming World Cup and Olympic!
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.
TATTOO SOUL on the snow!

パパローチ:Papa Roach

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
Guys from the band PAPA ROACH visited the shop today. Drum player Tony got his son's name in Kanji.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

Friday, Art Time

This week brings a great pen and ink from the one and only Greg "Craola" Simkins, and yes we do have a bunch of Craola art. One - because we love it and Two- he is most talented guy working today. I love how he blends ideas and his style is instantly recognizable. That is not an easy thing to achieve, to create and right upon sight everyone knows who did it. I think that is the holy grail for an artist. He's is getting there and trust me he is going to keep pushing himself forward into that rare league of artists working today. Take a minute and check his bio, he has done art for everyone from Kid Robot to Disney to Vans to well...Us. The kid is the bomb, don't believe me, -
This cool little piece was a gift and I can't remember the artist name I think it was Eric and it's signed CHUNG so I assume it's a great piece from Eric Chung the painter of people inside animals. Also if I was any animal I would be an octopus or a squid, so I made a personal connection with this piece. -Oh, and the painting wasn't a gift from the artist, that would suck if he had given me the painting and I forgot his name. -BONUS- This weeks bonus piece was also a gift from our friend and artist Kore Flatmo. Kore scripted up our name in true tattoo fashion. We always meant to do T-shirts but never quite did. We did however take to using this piece as a laser burned logo for our Archer machine box. I would still like to see it make it's way to a shirt. Flatmo rocks-

Jogo on line de fazer tatuagem

Gosto muito desses joguinhos on lines em flash e passeando pelo site encontrei um jogo legal em que você é o tatuador e precisa fazer as tatuagens de seus Clientes.

Embora o jogo seja em inglês é bem fácil de jogar,escolha o sexo do tatuador - que será você, evidentemente - depois escolha quem será tatuado, não possui opções, você precisa começar pelo gordo, é o único clicável nessa primeira fase, e deve fazer uma tatuagem de coração sangrando. Regule o ponto da máquina de tatuagem, nos pontinhos abaixo e siga o contorno com o mouse e vai pintando, não precisa ser com precisão cirúrgica, mas se sair da linha o cliente sentirá dor e ficará vermelho, não demore muito com a máquina na pele do cliente. Depois é só colorir.

O jogo vai ficando difícil conforme vai passando de fase.

Clique na imagem acima para jogar ou vá ao site:

Maquina de tatuar silenciosa

Muita gente reclama do barulhinho chato da maquina de tatuar. Não só o tatuado mas o tatuador, que mesmo acostumado com o seu ruído semelhante a uma broca de dentista, ainda assim se irrita com ele.

Existem algumas máquinas que não fazem barulho e entre elas está a Silent Rotary Machines Confira no vídeo abaixo. que começa com uma máquina convencional e depois passa para a Rotary.

"Build Your Own" Was a Great Time!

The Pulse "Build Your Own" Workshop at this years Paradise Tattoo Gathering was a blast. We set up the workshop for a dozen folks to come in and build any of our machines from scratch. We were lucky to have so much interest and actually sold out the event weeks in advance (thanks!).

We broke things down into two groups of six and Soba and I ran an open forum where we discussed a dozen different styles of machines. We looked at everything from the materials used to make the frame to the process and the geometry. I was even tired of hearing myself talk after a couple of hours.

The other team of Alex, Joe and Tim ran a hands on step by step assembling of a coil setup along with tutorials on capacitors, resistance, electricity and materials.

Then everyone assembled their machines and we switched groups. Happily all machines started right up and that sounded great. Everyone who attended had great questions. This is always a learning experience for me also. When people make you stop and think about things that can be taken for granted, it always make me think about our process.

I think it's always really helpful and healthful to examine how you do things, there is always something new to discover. The thing that blew me away the most about the workshop came at the end. As I was thanking everyone for coming I started to ask people where they were from. The artists had come from all over the country, Arkansas, Tennessee, San Francisco, New York, Michigan, Connecticut and Massachusetts. That felt really good, I didn't expect people to travel from all over and that was a nice surprise. As always SOBA from Workhorse straightened me out on a few things, and we swapped some cool ideas, it was great have Tim in the session, and I think it was good for Alex and Joe to get to be able to share their knowledge. All in all it was a really fantastic time. I think we were scheduled from 12 to 3pm but we ran until almost 5pm, and we could have gone longer! We are now kicking around the idea of offering an in house workshop a couple times a year where you would be able to come to Pulse take a tour and then we would sit down and build a rig. Next year we are going to try to put that together so keep it in mind. Thanks to everyone who came down.

ライオン:Lion Head

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato


I did Lion Head on her arm.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

狂蜂柔術:Krazy Bee Jiu-Jitsu

Posted by 彫倭 Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato
KRAZY BEEの柔術マスター・ベッチーニョの龍。もう少しペースアップして一気に仕上げる予定です。仕事前にはKRAZY BEEにてベッチーニョのプライベート柔術レッスン。言っておきますがまだまだ白帯以下の白帯なので誤解の無いよう(泣)。
KRAZY BEE's Jiu-Jitsu master Betinho's dragon. I tattoo him and he teaches me Jiu-Jitsu. Good trade.
Akilla a.k.a. Horiyamato.

Tatuagens do Clube de Regatas Flamengo

O time de futebol com a maior torcida no mundo com cerca de 36 milhões de torcedores, originalmente não nasceu para o futebol, e sim como clube de remo.
Como no início do século XX, o futebol começava a despontar no Rio e a despertar paixões, o Flamengo vivia situações inusitadas por não possuir um time de futebol. Tais como a de Alberto Borgerth. que pela manhã era remador no Flamengo e durante a tarde representava o Fluminense no futebol.
Para cabar com esses incomodos o Clube de Regatas da Gávea, decidiu em 1903 criar um grupo para jogar futebol, inicialmente o time jogava somente em amistosos. Seu primeiro jogo foi em 25 de outubro de 1903 contra o Botafogo no Estádio do Paissandú Atlético Clube e perdeu de 5x1.

O Flamengo somente criou um Time de futebol para disputar a Liga Metropolitana de Futebol em 1912, quando jogadores do Fluminense largaram as Laranjeiras para fundar verdadeiramente o Futebol profissional do Flamengo.

Muitos dos torcedores do Flamengo demonstram na própria pele, com tatuagens, todo o amor que sentem pelo seu time do coração "O mais Querido" .

Abaixo algumas fotos e desenhos para inspirar aos Flamenguistas que desejam entrar nessa mania maravilhosa de usar o corpo para expor sentimentos, que é a tatuagem:


Primeiro escudo do Flamengo, pouco conhecido e raramente usado em tatuagens. Pode ser uma boa pedida para quem deseja algo diferente.

Escudo-de-remo-do-flamengo Tradicional escudo de remos do Flamengo.

escudo-de-remo-do-flamengo-com detalhes-douradoEscudo de Remo do Flamengo com detalhes dourados

Escudo tradicional do Futebol do Flamengo Esse é o escudo tradicional do Futebol do Flamengo


Escudo de remo do flamengo tatuado no braço

Tatto com um retrato do Zico, o maior ídolo atual do Flamengo

Tatuagem nas costas com o nome do Flamengo escrito e o número 84 rodeado por folhas de louro.

Tatuagem com um Urubu , símbolo do Flamengo, ao lado das inicias que compõe o nome original do Flamengo: Clube de Regatas Flamengo

Tatuagem de um Urubu representando a bateria da Torcida Organizada Raça Rubro-Negra

Tattoo com a frase mais cantada do Hino do Flamengo: "Uma vez Flamengo, Flamengo até morrer". No detalhe central a Sigla CRF em vermelho intenso salpicada por manchas negras

Não poderia faltar uma tatuagem com o Maracanã, maior Estádio do Mundo, palco de muitas alegrias dos Rubro-Negros, tendo ao fundo uma bandeira do Flamengo.

Tatto do time do coração ornando o pé de uma torcedora fanática. Tatuagens no pé de uma mulher sempre desperta o imaginário masculino e vai sempre além da paixão clubistas.

Super tatuagem do escudo do Flamengo tomando as costas do trocedor

Tatuagem do músico Marcelo D2.

Você tem uma tatuagem do seu time do Coração? Deseja coloca-la aqui no Estimulanet? Então mande-a para o email . O mais rápido possível ela estará publicada aqui. Mas não vale tatuagem em partes íntimas que mostram mais do que deveria, ok?